December 2022

CadFlow presentation, establishing a collaboration workflow between medical experts and engineers

Prospect on-site presentation in the MSWIA-Rzeszów hospital. Establishing a collaboration workflow between medical experts and engineers.

Representatives of Autosymed S.R.L visited a Cardiological Ward at the Independent Public Health Care Centre of MSWiA in Rzeszów. This is one of the most advanced cardiological departments in Poland, equipped with, among others, cardiopulmonary bypass sets combined with a blood autotransfusion device, an electroanatomical system (3D system) with modules, an echocardiographic device compatible with intracardiac transducers, an ACT measuring device, a module for reconstructing heart chambers anatomy.

The purpose of the meeting was to present to a wider group of healthcare professionals and technicians a demo of the CadFlow system that uses techniques based on AI/ML to provide automatic analysis of coronary angiographic imaging based on an initial set of DICOM images.

The medical community positively reacted to the possibility of using the CadFlow system in their daily medical practice. Patients suffering from a multivessel coronary artery disease represent numerous groups of admitted cases, therefore, the system enabling doctors prompt identification of this disease and determination of individual treatment methods will increase the effectiveness of their daily work.