March 2024

Finalization of development in the project – CadFlow API Exposure

Project no.: 2022/347151

Program name: SMEs Growth Romania – Boost to Romanian Business sector: Business

Growth in Start-ups – 2nd call

Project name: CadFlow API Exposure – AI based Computer Aided Medical System Capabilities Exposure with API Service

Project Promoter: SC AUTOSYMED SRL

The Autosymed team is happy to announce the finalization of the CadFlow API Exposure project. The goal of R&D activities was to enhance the CadFlow solution with the Capabilities of Open API services to integrate with “client” applications to realize more complex cardiological use cases based on Computer-Aided Diagnosis. Our team developed Service APIs to be used by research and development institutions, universities, and researchers seeking robust datasets for ML model training and algorithm development, who are encouraged to collaborate with CadFlow.


Service endpoints for DICOM artifacts

Service API for different queries and interconnections on DICOM repositories, based on a specified metamodel scheme, to enable CRUD database interaction for client applications.

Service endpoints for feedback operations

Service API to facilitate CRUD operations on data related to automatic corrections provided to AI algorithms deployed on specific images. Feedback for selected series and frames regarding segmentation, branch identification, stenosis detection and characterization, SyntaxScore calculation, and justifications for any changes. Apart from corrections provided by MD in a dedicated format, feedback data is based on metadata such as study details, primary/secondary angle, date of acquisition, data of feedback generation, author, etc.

Service endpoints for AI algorithms

Dedicated API facilitates CRUD operations on data related to AI algorithms’ results. Service API with dedicated user interface for Syntax Scores calculation with integrated AI algorithms for vessel segmentation, branch identification, stenosis detection and characterization, template-based reporting, and 3D data visualization. Database failover system to enable reliable hosting and system deployment.

Service endpoints for Feedback loop to support automatic integration of corrections provided to AI algorithms’ results

MD provides a feedback loop for manual corrections through a dedicated user interface for AI algorithms’ results (frame and series selection, segmentation, branch identification, stenosis detection, and characterization). This loop enables automatic model feeding with provided corrections and training results enhancements so that AI algorithms’ results successively improve. 

Diagnosis and Treatment decision support system with CadFlow Rich-UI

Service API to enable diagnosis and treatment decision support based on SyntaxScore through an advanced and flexible customized interface using a shareable database or integrated customers’ database. Rich UI features cover data selection and integration, 3d data visualization, SyntaxScore calculation, and customized diagnostic report generation.


Hospitals, both public and private, and other medical units have the opportunity to integrate CadFlow into their workflow for real-time coronography analysis. Our cloud-based teleconsultation platform facilitates collaboration among heart teams, enabling the secure sharing of medical data for consultations. Autosymed CadFlow’s commitment to data sharing contributes to advancing science and cardiac care. By collaborating and sharing knowledge, the medical community can collectively elevate the standard of cardiac medicine, leading to better patient outcomes and improved healthcare practices.


We are constantly developing and improving the CadFlow application with capabilities APO. For more details, please check –