
InnovX-BCR Acceleration Phase Selection Day 10/89

With crucial insights gained during Pre-Acceleration Phase we are now better equipped to navigate the complex terrain of business development, market strategy, and sustainable growth.

6 week InnovX-BCR Pre-Acceleration Phase workshops

We are thrilled to be part of this incredible journey! A huge thank you to the InnovX-BCR team and our amazing mentors for their guidance and support.

InnovX-BCR bootcamp for Scaleups Selection day 18/89

Selection Day of the InnovX - BCR Scaleup Bootcamp! Autosymed was qualified to participate in extensive training for scaleups InnovX-BCR. From over 89 applications, 18 companies have been chosen to participate in the InnovX-BCR Program from Romania ( Bucharest, Harghita,Iași, Timisoara, Brasov, Cluj-Napoca) Croatia, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Finland, Netherlands

Presentation at IEEE EMBC Conference in Sydney, Australia

25 July 2023 Witold Serwatka presented our paper entitled A novel framework for differentiating vessel-like objects in coronarography images at prestigious IEEE EMBC Conference:  45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society that took place in Sydney, Australia. 

Paper accepted to IEEE EMBC

Our paper entitled A novel framework for differentiating vessel-like objects in coronarography images has been accepted for publication in IEEE EMBC proceedings.

Advisory meeting with renowned expert prof. Michale Friebe

Our team met with a renowned expert and researcher Prof. Michael Friebe who for many years has been involved in diagnostic imaging and image-guided therapeutic products and services. During the meeting we presented our solution and discussed commercialization possibilities. We also acquired list of contacts to eventual investors and solution promoters