
CadFlow presentation, establishing a collaboration workflow between medical experts and engineers

Prospect on-site presentation in the MSWIA-Rzeszów hospital. Establishing a collaboration workflow between medical experts and engineers. Representatives of Autosymed S.R.L visited a Cardiological Ward at the Independent Public Health Care Centre of MSWiA in Rzeszów. This is one of the most advanced cardiological departments in Poland, equipped with, among others, cardiopulmonary bypass sets combined with a blood autotransfusion device, an electroanatomical system (3D system) with modules, an echocardiographic device compatible with intracardiac transducers, an ACT measuring device, a module for reconstructing heart chambers anatomy.

Participation in Hungary Cardiological Event 2022, CadFlow presentation

Our presence at Hungarian Cardiological Convent 17-19 November 2022 was a meaningful experience. We aimed to foster relationships and broaden our network, particularly through engaging with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH).

Invitation for a meeting in  THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB

The Health Captains Club convenes distinguished leaders from the medical community to revolutionize existing healthcare models, creating a sustainable, value-based ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders and enhances healthcare accessibility. We had the privilege of participating in the Health Captains Club inauguration of the THCC Düsseldorf-Milano-Chapter. Our discussions during the meeting were rich and insightful, delving into the future of healthcare and gathering valuable feedback to shape CadFlow's strategic planning.

Participation in the world largest medical trades: MEDICA – medical technology trade fair – Düsseldorf / Germany

Attending MEDICA, the world's largest medical technology trade fair, provided us with a remarkable opportunity to connect with dedicated individuals shaping innovative solutions for medical needs. It was a platform to draw inspiration from cutting-edge technology, integrate innovative concepts, and establish valuable contacts for future collaborations. Additionally, we were able to engage with experts in data security policies and Medical Device Regulation (MDR), contributing to the enhancement of our initiatives.

Participation in Innovation Week Oslo 2022

Our involvement in Oslo Innovation Week, October 7, 2022, proved highly fruitful. We participated in insightful discussions across a diverse conference spectrum, with notable takeaways from events like Scaling Globally and International Marketing, which offered insights into networking and global growth. The "100 Pitches" event was particularly enriching, allowing us to refine our presentation skills and articulate our ideas more effectively.